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Daily Routine

Alex Fraiser
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 Daily Routine Empty Daily Routine

Post  MARSHALL work Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:08 pm

Hello Everyone,

Do you think a daily routine is important? If so, what is yours?

I don't have an exact one, I like to wake up and do my emails, publish comments and check over my websites briefly and then grab a shower and then breakfast. After that I take it as the day comes but would love to get in a better routine of things.

Please Share,


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Join date : 2012-11-23

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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  SALVADORexp Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:11 pm

I sometimes wish had a more a routine Well i have to some degree
may day starts at where i check mails delet the spam if any quick check on stats of some of my sites send out and scripts that have bean brought. then of to work to start at 4 am then a good 12 hours of hard labour ((i am a manager in the printing trade A working manger on the converting ))
then when i home it recheck mails and the same then carry on making web sites and some coding of new scripts that i think of i do some work for others as well. chase up my coders that work for me as i have one in russia and a team in india that do some work for me when i run out of time or it to hard for me to get right. Then chat to the kids watch them on there xbox as - there wont stop playing just brought my oldest one a new xbox so now they have one each -then it be down to the tv eat my dinner watching my recored tv programs i like then to bed.

Most days are like this
But just brought a new house so moving soon and i will be getting a big fish tank and two more pc to put in a sort of more a office space so i can work faster and more time for my self.


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Join date : 2012-11-23

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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  emptypocket Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:13 pm

I am just wondering, phphantom, where do you get the energy to do all that?
Reading your activities from your reply made me breathless.


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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  Alex Fraiser Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:15 pm

Now that it's summer, I have totally reorganized my schedule. A basic breakdown:

Morning - Noon: I focus on my blogs. I write posts, and do a little promotion/

Noon - Evening: Freelance work/designing/developing my own sites.

After that, I promote my blogs again on forums and other blogs and finish off. I like this schedule actually.

Alex Fraiser

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-11-23

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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  Partizannka Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:17 pm

routine is highly important! you need discipline to be organized and healthy!


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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  Marco winner Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:18 pm

Routines are really useful if you want to improve at doing something, because doing something consistently makes you better at it, if you do it from time to time... you'll never get good at it.

Marco winner

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Join date : 2012-11-23

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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  LianneCarlaS Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:20 pm

I'm not really the routine type. I just have task lists for different goals and then prioritise what I need to do and R.E.A.D the rest (remember to eliminate, automate and delegate). during the day I look after a toddler and pre-schooler full time (They are awake 96 hours a week so 50 hours more than a full time job. Tell me you have a full time job and don't have enough time to run a business and I'll tell you to seriously re-evaluate your values!) run a virtual assistant company & provide coaching to female entrepreneurs to help them use simple strategies to market their business online and leverage the time and resources they have for maximum results.

My current project there is a 6 week coaching program called Marketing #SOS so I've been spending a lot of time recently on creating the presentations, worksheets and bonus audios ready for the small beta group this month. Next key thing is affiliate swipes.


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Join date : 2012-11-23

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 Daily Routine Empty Re: Daily Routine

Post  missmarykate Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:22 pm

My routine is to wake up and create a to do list for the day. I make sure I accomplish them and then I evaluate what I've done at the end of the day.


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Join date : 2012-11-23

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